Full GroomsÂ
A full groom includes a hydro-massage bath with premium shampoos, conditioner for select coats, a facial, a full blow out, paw pad, nail, and sanitary trim, as well as an all-over haircut, finished with precision hand-scissoring. Full Grooms include a bandanna and a complimentary cologne spritz.
Doodle Dis-Claimer

If a comb cannot pass through your pet's coat, it is likely matted. Matts cannot be brushed out. The process of de-matting utilises a tool made of razors, which is dangerous and limited to 30 minutes. Matts that cannot be broken must be shaved out.
If your pet cannot be de-matted in less than 30 minutes, your pet's haircut will have to go significantly shorter. The fee applies if time is spent. This image depicts extreme matting, which required a pre-shave.